Interesting Articles

The effect of the procedure shugaring

How long does the shugaring effect hold? Shugaring is quite popular at the moment a way to remove hair on the body. The method of carrying out such a procedure involves the use of sugar syrup....

How Heparin Wrinkle Ointment is Used

Heparin ointment: studying the instructions Before you decide to use heparin ointment in the fight against wrinkles, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug and find out what it is intended for....

Mixed Skin Care

Care for combination skin - the best means and rules Most women would agree that care for combination skin is a delicate, sometimes even painstaking matter....


Hair care


Upper lip sugaring: reviews

Shugaring of the upper lip. With such a problem as a mustache, I encountered it recently. A friend advised shugaring, if someone does not know, then they use a paste based on sugar, lemon juice and water....